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Wendy and Alex Learns How to Study for Their Math and Spelling Test |Kids Studying for School

Duration: 03:54Views: 3MLikes: 10.4KDate Created: Nov, 2021

Channel: ToysPlay

Category: Entertainment

Tags: kindergartenkids mathfor toddlerskids schoolpretend playeducational videos for kidskids learninglearningkids spellingkids learning spellingfor kidsplay learningelementary schoolkids learntoys playlearn toys and colorslearn and playkids videokids videospreschoolkids learning mathtoys and colorskids

Description: Wendy and Alex are doing bad in school and need to learn how to study. They go to the library and get tutoring. They learn that studying also takes practice and repetition! At the end of the week, they finally get good grades on their test by learning how to study. Subscribe to our channel: youtube.com/channel/UCdKicyl_ve5oyjasiO6njgQ?sub_confirmation=1 Watch more of our latest videos on our playlist: youtube.com/watch?v=fda3dtoaaac&index=3&list=PLyA9jdfCjx0MMBrLKK8xo0iD3GdK24CqS

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